Three months to go
I'm embarking on our last trimester now and it feels somewhat hectic when i think about the stroller we still don't have, plus all the apparel we're yet to receive, chose, buy or install. Thanks to fairies such as Arwen a lot of Liam's needs should be perfectly covered, but the not laughable amount of details (clothes, sheets, receiving blankets, bibs, etc.) makes a huge pile in my mind.
It's stressful, but it's a fun kind of stress. Specially when there is already a lot of tension and nerves around other also important aspects of life, such as 'Getting Ourselves a Flat in Escorial, Chapter 3'. I'll keep you posted on this at ambivalence, just give me a day or two.
This last lap in my pregnancy makes me want to have the weeks speeding by and also has me craving for time to slow down. Ambivalent feelings, of course, and as usual. I can't wait to see Baby's face. I can't wait to see how Pablo and I go from being an item of two into a family unit. I really want to hold Liam in my arms. And then, on the other side, i don't want time to rush by so fast.
I've been reading stuff about labor lately. It's imposing. Let me tell you something though, i don't think i'm too scared yet. Labor doesn't make me afraid, but i'm certainly respectful about it.
Some terms such as pain and episiotomy make me a little nervous, but then i look around and i realize so many women have gone through it before me, and so many others will do so after me, that somehow i know i'll be ok. Whatever turn my own labor takes, whether it's natural or cesarean, a little painful or horrid, slow or fairy-tale fast, i must go through it and i will do it as best as i can. We're already starting preparation classes on the 8th. Time, again, feels like it's flowing quite fast.
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