Baby is up to something
Bruno is a month old today. To celebrate it, i've taken him to his doctor's appointment, who tells me Baby might as well grow up to become a strong and certainly tall human being. His 'on demand' breastfeeding seems to be taking him far. Everything else is as fine as i was hoping: sleeping hours, reflexes, vision, hearing, socializing. He smiles with his eyes open now, giving you a pure and huge beaming face once in a while. It disarms us.
He can sleep in some of his three-month-size piyamas and he has already outgrown one of his bodysuits. He has a certain control over his hands, still not totally responding for his arms. He loves noisy toys and his new ostrich puppet. He's starting to fully enjoy his bath. His favourite place in the house is his changing table.
I call him muffin a lot. I still speak to him in English, 90% of the time, which i'm very proud of. He has some wild nights, especially around the sunrise hours, but his sleeping habits can be very good. Make that excellent if his bathtime is long enough. He calms down with music or lingering in his father's arms. He's turning into something. I don't know what, but he's doing it very fast.
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