So Bruno sleeps a lot, like babies are supposed to. Still, he's been having a few waking and crying to the top of his lungs periods since yesterday. Shhh... I can hear him making little noises from the sitting room. I took him to his first doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon. He didn't particularly enjoy it, and decided to pee on the pediatrician. Except he hit me. Completely.
Doctor said he's looking great and informed me that he has gained over half a kilo upon leaving the hospital. That's more than a lot. But he's not planning on a diet. Not that i would allow him. Just staring at those cheeks could eat up my entire day. At nights, i actually stare at the cheeks. And i touch the hands, to check the temperature. And i hold him tight, pretending to myself that it will soothe him. And i feed him every time he asks. Which brings us back to the cheeks.
His grandparents via daddy arrived a couple of days ago from their home in Los Angeles. They brought along a trolley suitcase full of pressies for the new and only grandson. Baby Gap is currently ruling his wardrobe. But brands don't matter, he'll still vomit on anything he (and his mum) is wearing, every day, at around 2 o'clock. I should probably try to predict these things. It would save me a buck or two in detergent.
Must go now. Baby noises are getting slightly louder. I gotta check on those cheeks.
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