The noveltiesHealth: Bruno had his 2 month check up at the doctor's last week. Everything is going swell, as expected: he eats, he sleeps, he smiles. The little muffin is healthy and seems happy. Except he isn't exactly little. He weights 6 kilos and measures a huge 60 cm. And the ped is slightly worried about the size of his head (cefalic perimetre or something), so he's programmed a follow up next month to see how the growing goes.Transportation: We have started taking little trips in the new car, just the two of us. Since i can't disable the passenger airbag, Muffin rides on the back, making me stop every once in a while to calm a tantrum, feed him or simply kiss him into sleep. He is getting used to the sound of the engine in the car and the music coming out of the radio, allthough he isn't fond of talk shows. He'd rather have full blasting songs around, like his ma.Rest: I wouldn't want to jinx this by saying out loud, but the muffin is a great sleeper. He takes naps during the day and sleeps bold long hours at night. Last Sunday he had a 3 hour siesta by the Mountain Family pool, allowing me not only a bit of swimming but a also a very much needed dose of slight tanning. The previous night he dozed off at 11 and woke up at 7 am, thus making me wonder had i drank 3 shots of vodka before nursing. Before i get the hate mail, the answer was no.Just 2 shots. Just kidding.
Brunito, Brunito, duerme como un cachorrito....
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM
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