Stepping (mile)stones
This season has started with a few milestones in Muffin's (and our) life. After the Amazing Travelling Child, featuring Bruno flying to and from Los Angeles with hardly an ounze of tears, Baby started kindergarden yesterday. Big, huge step for all of us.
While we were on our trip, i watched in wonder how Bruno was becoming more and more active, sociable and accurate in his moves. They tell me this is what happens after the fourth month: babies stop being basically babies and they turn into complex little rascals, which is way more fun and just as tiring.
He makes a new range of sounds, he giggles a lot, he can eat both his feet at the same time, his grip is strong and able to hold an infinite variety of toys, small objects and plastic water bottles. He still ooohs and aahhs at the site of trees and flowers. If something shiny or glittery catches his eye, he inmediatly wants to hug it. Muffin stuff.
When we got back home, it was time for me to start hunting for a nice job and find appropiate day care. I'm still at the work search but the freelancing has kicked off again, so we signed Bruno up at a very cute preschool whose principal is a family friend. This means a little more confidence. Not a lot, though. But that's the way it goes.
Sure, i would've loved to stay with my baby forever and a day. It would be great to have the money and the time necessary to become a full time mum for a lifetime. Since this option is not applicable to our family now, and i'm not sure i could handle it without a big cost (can i put everything not-child-related away? for how long?), i've been having mininervous breakdowns for the past 10 days, and finally i built up the courage to cut the string between babe and me, at exactly 9.43 am yesterday morning.
Both Pablo and i took Muffin to his first day of preschool. We were nervous. He was sleepy from the car ride. We walked him with the school principal to his classroom. It is called the 'Sheep Class'. It has eight little cots. 8 coat hangers. 8 little squared shelves. And many playmats on the floor. The teacher beamed at us and took Bruno in her arms. I kissed his forehead and whispered i'd be back soon -he only stayed an hour and a half, to get started. Pablo and i thanked everyone and marched out the door. I was crying before i reached that car. Pablo reminded me to sit at the front.
It was sad and thrilling at the same time. I weeped for about five minutes. Then i went to get some breakfest with Pablo. And i spent the rest of the morning and afternoon with Arwen/Ona, who accompanied me to collect Bruno. He was fine. It was contagious. This morning i left him there again. I'm sure the heart shrinking feeling will pass before October ends. Another milestone.
This season has started with a few milestones in Muffin's (and our) life. After the Amazing Travelling Child, featuring Bruno flying to and from Los Angeles with hardly an ounze of tears, Baby started kindergarden yesterday. Big, huge step for all of us.
While we were on our trip, i watched in wonder how Bruno was becoming more and more active, sociable and accurate in his moves. They tell me this is what happens after the fourth month: babies stop being basically babies and they turn into complex little rascals, which is way more fun and just as tiring.
He makes a new range of sounds, he giggles a lot, he can eat both his feet at the same time, his grip is strong and able to hold an infinite variety of toys, small objects and plastic water bottles. He still ooohs and aahhs at the site of trees and flowers. If something shiny or glittery catches his eye, he inmediatly wants to hug it. Muffin stuff.
When we got back home, it was time for me to start hunting for a nice job and find appropiate day care. I'm still at the work search but the freelancing has kicked off again, so we signed Bruno up at a very cute preschool whose principal is a family friend. This means a little more confidence. Not a lot, though. But that's the way it goes.
Sure, i would've loved to stay with my baby forever and a day. It would be great to have the money and the time necessary to become a full time mum for a lifetime. Since this option is not applicable to our family now, and i'm not sure i could handle it without a big cost (can i put everything not-child-related away? for how long?), i've been having mininervous breakdowns for the past 10 days, and finally i built up the courage to cut the string between babe and me, at exactly 9.43 am yesterday morning.
Both Pablo and i took Muffin to his first day of preschool. We were nervous. He was sleepy from the car ride. We walked him with the school principal to his classroom. It is called the 'Sheep Class'. It has eight little cots. 8 coat hangers. 8 little squared shelves. And many playmats on the floor. The teacher beamed at us and took Bruno in her arms. I kissed his forehead and whispered i'd be back soon -he only stayed an hour and a half, to get started. Pablo and i thanked everyone and marched out the door. I was crying before i reached that car. Pablo reminded me to sit at the front.
It was sad and thrilling at the same time. I weeped for about five minutes. Then i went to get some breakfest with Pablo. And i spent the rest of the morning and afternoon with Arwen/Ona, who accompanied me to collect Bruno. He was fine. It was contagious. This morning i left him there again. I'm sure the heart shrinking feeling will pass before October ends. Another milestone.
congratulations to all of you for this small step for humankind but huge for you three.
really beautiful post.
nanyu fonseca, at 12:00 PM
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