Mother's Day and That's The Nose
We celebrated Mother's Day for a while on Sunday morning. We had a long special breakfast at the 'big dinning table' and i opened Bruno's present. It was wrapped in electric blue paper and it had a silver ribbon around it. It was a paper/portrait holder that sticks to the fridge. It is, of course, glorious. Muffin got very happy when i opened it: i imagine he recognized it from a recent memory of plunging parts of it in green paint. It was memorable.
Both Pablo and i had to work at home but it got very difficult with Bruno trying to pull out the cables from the back of our computers. I felt like my day was slipping by running after him, though i was having as much fun as he was. He is unstoppable these days. He is faster, for one. More curious. And he has developped an adorable habit of dancing with almost any beat, let it be a Britney Spears song (not that he has heard any, i'm giving an example here, people!) or me drumming my fingers on the keyboard. As soon as he recognizes a rhythm, a mild tempo, he starts shaking his shoulders and putting his hands up in the air like he just don't care. I could watch him go forever.
We went for a walk around town and he screamed with joy at some tree tops, he screamed with joy at some passers-by and he yelled at a kid his age who happened to grin back. We came back home and i played the Days of the Week song at the Caillou site, so he danced and screamed with joy some more.
A brilliant Mother's Day in all. And before going to bed, he demonstrated that some of my silly stuff is finally sinking in him, and succesfully pointed his finger to my nose when i said, well, 'nose'.
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