Workin' ma
The evolution with Bruno goes on, all the time, unstoppable, unthinkable, never failing to bring surprises. Muffin, of course, grows. He's tall and slender. Really tall. Not that slender, maybe. He looks older, i think. But what do i know.
At school, everything seems right. He cries when Pablo drops him off at the morning, but he pulls himself together a few minutes later. As usual, he's almost always hungry, with the exception of the odd tummy ache, which happened on Friday. It's so easy to get sick at nursery school. In other health issues, we're scheduled for hospital tests on March 3rd. Bruno has to get an ultrasound and a cystogram (a soft tube is used to inject dye into the bladder) to rule out bladder complications. I try not to anticipate or worry in advance. I just wish he didn't have to go through this, though.
I cross my fingers for luck and health, now that i can't spend as much time with Bruno as i'd like to. I'm extremely happy for having this job, i truly am, but i'm torn from my babs and that hurts so much i can't even explain it.
So now he spends an extra 2 hours at nursery and my mother picks him up. This past week was the time to start adjusting schedules and habits. I broke down and sticked the pieces back a few times. I'm not used to running home for more than an hour (public transport) and find Bruno ready for bath and bed. That's all i get to see of him from Monday to Friday. But i'm hoping my timetable will become more flexible in the future. I'm hoping Bruno will love me the same. I'm hoping. I'm actually believing.
This morning he woke up at nineish and began to play in his cot. I walked over to find him chatting away to his teddy bear and his chicken, making a mess of his sheets and blankets and giggling to his other toys. Now that's the image i'm taking with me to last me until next Friday.