Be Baby

November 23, 2005

At around 5 am this morning, Bruno tossed in his cot beside me and streched his arms out, saying a very clear (though accidental) 'mama' out loud. I held him and rocked him for a bit before feeding him and he played with a lock of my hair, helped by the little light coming from the street through a break in the curtains. He went back to sleep very fast and very deeply, and so did i.

Two hours later we both woke up again, into the morning of his first seven months of age. He looks happy. And bigger. Muffin is growing up so quickly. And soon enough those 'mama' sounds will be no accident ;)

November 17, 2005

Winter lurking
It's certainly getting cold around here.

November 08, 2005

Gathering the good vibes
Yesterday was one of those days you long to forget soon. Yet, as usual, this morning everything returned to my mind, full blast in its reality. One of my best friends went through a terrible experience during labour and as a result her baby is seriously at risk. We're told we shouldn't have our hopes up too high. Unfortunately, i'm not a believer. So if you are, please send a little prayer our way. I'm gathering all the good vibes i can and filling jars with them.

November 04, 2005

Liking what he sees
Why is it that a baby can spend 15 straight minutes just looking at his reflection in the mirror, screaming, laughing, squealing and being generally over the moon with happyness in the process?