Be Baby

August 31, 2005

He's got, more or less, enough clothes for the upcoming weeks. He has several coats and hats and jumpers. He has jeans and overalls and winter trousers. He even has shoes to match.

He could do with a couple more toys, since he can't stop admiring everything, and touching, exploring, trying to sponge in all the information in this new world. Sounds. Rattles. Images. Books.

He giggles when shown an image of a smiling person. He talks to the two baby story books he has. He eats his socks. He licks one of his feet. He looks at us and breaks into a huge smile. He tries to grab a glass of orange juice, a key ring, a doll.

There are a few objects he could use and we don't have. That doesn't mean he/we needs them. But we'll be in the biggest shopping center in the world as of next Saturday. The States. Baby boutiques with unexpected gear and cuter than cute clothes. Fun toys. Bright coloured books.

I wonder how many buying impulses i'll have to fight off before i start shopping for an extra suitcase.

August 25, 2005

120 days
Bruno is sleeping in his gorgeous wooden cot as we speak. A cot that turned 31 just the other day. Years old, that is. Bruno turned four months old on Tuesday. So today we have an appointment with his doctor, to check that everything is running as smoothly as the frapuccino i had last Saturday.

In these 120 days i've learned that keeping a house clean and a neat baby bottom are not compatible.

I've learned that my shorter hair is a great and practical idea.

I've learned that a baby has the capacity to surprise you every day. For bad and for very good.

I've learned i can be patient.

I've learned i can be very patient.

I've learned how to make spinach and artichoke pie.

I've learned life is an expensive animal.

I've learned i can survive an entire summer in this city and not even come close to getting a tan.

I've learned the words to a new lullaby about a crying child and an apple.

I've learned that keeping a baby blog is difficult when you have a baby to attend to.

August 09, 2005

Feet waving
Lunch at the Mexican restaurant next to the newspaper, some time last week. I finally got together and brought Baby into daddy's workplace for proper introductions. Muffin looked and acted smashing. A big thanks to our friend P. who took this and two other great shots with his cell phone, right after tacos. Mobloggin' on a full spicy stomach, you know. Bruno's feet wave to the audience.

August 04, 2005

Sky king
It's retro, it's a gorgeous baby blue and it has a catchy name. Considering Bruno had a brilliant time yesterday afternoon pretending to be an airplane/seagull in my arms and looking at his flying face in a big mirror, i think this tricycle is exactly the right state of mind object to keep on dreaming of blue skies.