Be Baby

January 30, 2006

Staying in
It's not just the runny nose. It's the coughing, the crying, the sense of unease. Poor babs is sick again. Bronchiolitis this time. Must find time to post more here. Still waiting on the test appointments for Bruno, by the way. *Deep sigh with a side grin*

January 20, 2006

Health issues are such a nightmare. Though i'm very grateful for having a concerned doctor for Bruno, i must confess his constant urge for having him tested is a little overwhelming. Sometimes the results show dormant infections, even if the Muffin looks fine and dandy from the outside, so i will shut up.

After finding a bladder infection that was preventing Bruno from gaining his normal weigth, doctor repeated the tests to see if everything was gone. The results came back with good news. Still, now doctor wants to rule out nasty options in the bladder area. We're going in for an ultrasound and a contrast. We've to go to the hospital. And the second testing, the contrast, is certainly no fun for a baby. No one wants a little tube introduced in your penis, methinks. I just hope everything turns out a slight ok.

Now if only the lady from the health centre would call me and give me the test appointments i've been waiting for the last 8 days...

January 13, 2006

Hide my credit card
I've been updating a baby wish list i have on line, since it's not even searchable. I opened it just to keep track of things i'd like/need/love for baby. And while i was doing my monthly surfing i found a few items in Amazon i want to share with you. Such as...

This is the 'Am i cute or what? Dinner's on me' bowl. I love bold yet adorable stuff like that.

I'd certainly like to have this object (along with the scent of fresh coffee) in my hand first time in the morning. Every morning.

Absolute must-have's for next Christmas.

Silly question of the week
What if Brangelina's baby turns out to be not that beautiful ugly?

January 09, 2006

baby of the week

He's out there
Stepping stones 'round the blogosphere. Ah... the pride.

January 02, 2006

Muffin out of the oven
The first night without Bruno was a huge event in this family. It was my birthday and we had tickets to go to a concert. The Muffin slept at the Mountain Family House with my mother and the Mountain Family, -including the M&m's, of course.

I used the phone twice. I called right before going to the gig, to check on Bruno's bath, bottle and bedtime, which went fine. And then i called the following morning. No urges in the middle. I thought about him, but i enjoyed our night in town entirely. No regrets, no guilt feelings. Pure fun.

We had booked a room right at the city center, which turned out to be a magnificent idea. After a little walking (not fun: very cold, no like) looking for a taxi and an ATM after the concert, we managed to get in one piece to the Susan Club, a trendier than trendy bar owned by my clever pal Juan. A bunch of close friends (Kurt, Trix, Nick, Dixie plus hubby) joined us for a jolly round of mojitos (mmmmmmmmmmm) and presents (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and i felt as happy and excited as an 18 year old girl on her first night out.

When Juan-the-bar-owner-and-clever-friend-of-Uma came to say hello, he failed to invite me to a round of cocktails as an unexpected birthday present but did comply with an official complaint about ambivalence. You know, my blog. The other blog. The first one. He claimed i've done my fair share of Muffin talking there. He said it was boring. He then regaled me with a grand smile while i was left muttering "you're right you're right you're right".

He is right. I'd thought about it before but the idea was too blurry to alarm me. There's not much use updating my life with Muffin when i have a site completely devoted to Bruno right here. Plus, i'm neglecting the rest of my life. Granted, not much is going on aside from the baby babbling, but i could at least type away on what little non Muffin related events occur.

This baby absorbed mum is slowly pulling out of the nest. That's a resolution. Happy New Year.