January 31, 2005
January 27, 2005

Marathon mum?
From the net, week 27: Around this time, Baby’s eyelids open, so now he is capable of opening and closing his eyes while still inside your uterus! As Baby grows bigger, you may notice some shortness of breath, because your growing uterus presses on your diaphragm and it becomes harder to fill your lungs and breathe out completely.
This is very true. The sleeping part extends to simply sitting down or lying on the couch watching telly: it can be very uncomfortable and tight. But the tougher part is feeling like a big ol' granny, when i try to walk to the store and i arrive completely out of breath, as if i had been running a marathon.
This is when i don't miss my high heels at all.
January 24, 2005

Three months to go
I'm embarking on our last trimester now and it feels somewhat hectic when i think about the stroller we still don't have, plus all the apparel we're yet to receive, chose, buy or install. Thanks to fairies such as Arwen a lot of Liam's needs should be perfectly covered, but the not laughable amount of details (clothes, sheets, receiving blankets, bibs, etc.) makes a huge pile in my mind.
It's stressful, but it's a fun kind of stress. Specially when there is already a lot of tension and nerves around other also important aspects of life, such as 'Getting Ourselves a Flat in Escorial, Chapter 3'. I'll keep you posted on this at ambivalence, just give me a day or two.
This last lap in my pregnancy makes me want to have the weeks speeding by and also has me craving for time to slow down. Ambivalent feelings, of course, and as usual. I can't wait to see Baby's face. I can't wait to see how Pablo and I go from being an item of two into a family unit. I really want to hold Liam in my arms. And then, on the other side, i don't want time to rush by so fast.
I've been reading stuff about labor lately. It's imposing. Let me tell you something though, i don't think i'm too scared yet. Labor doesn't make me afraid, but i'm certainly respectful about it.
Some terms such as pain and episiotomy make me a little nervous, but then i look around and i realize so many women have gone through it before me, and so many others will do so after me, that somehow i know i'll be ok. Whatever turn my own labor takes, whether it's natural or cesarean, a little painful or horrid, slow or fairy-tale fast, i must go through it and i will do it as best as i can. We're already starting preparation classes on the 8th. Time, again, feels like it's flowing quite fast.
January 19, 2005
Like father, like son

Which is probably why daddy would enjoy this even more than Baby. Very beautiful and cool toys to be found right here.

Which is probably why daddy would enjoy this even more than Baby. Very beautiful and cool toys to be found right here.
January 18, 2005
Any experts out there?
So we're thinking of getting this.

Does anybody else, aside from us, think we're totally insane (*)?
(*) You may want to check the price.
So we're thinking of getting this.

Does anybody else, aside from us, think we're totally insane (*)?
(*) You may want to check the price.
January 14, 2005
Liquid fun
Baby Liam is moving a lot, as usual.
He makes me get up a thousand times every night. He makes me smile in the middle of lunch, or while i try to get a seat at the subway. He gets his father amazed simply by touching my belly, especially late in the day, when i'm lying sideways and Liam starts his little flamenco routine. Or kick boxing. Or limb experimenting. Whatever he's up to in the sweet (did you know it's supposed to taste sweet?) amniotic fluid he seems to enjoy so much. He's having liquid fun.
Of course, i don't know if this means anything at all. Moving a lot in the womb may not imply that Liam is going to be an extra active baby. But the look the nurse gave me this morning while she was chasing him around my body to try and listen to his heart was meaningful.
As my sister says, i guess we'll find out about Liam's abilities in liquid when we sign him up for swimming lessons.

He makes me get up a thousand times every night. He makes me smile in the middle of lunch, or while i try to get a seat at the subway. He gets his father amazed simply by touching my belly, especially late in the day, when i'm lying sideways and Liam starts his little flamenco routine. Or kick boxing. Or limb experimenting. Whatever he's up to in the sweet (did you know it's supposed to taste sweet?) amniotic fluid he seems to enjoy so much. He's having liquid fun.
Of course, i don't know if this means anything at all. Moving a lot in the womb may not imply that Liam is going to be an extra active baby. But the look the nurse gave me this morning while she was chasing him around my body to try and listen to his heart was meaningful.
As my sister says, i guess we'll find out about Liam's abilities in liquid when we sign him up for swimming lessons.
January 03, 2005
Baby Blue
I've been mentally shopping again. Good thing i'm into blue anyway. I wasn't aware that surfing for baby stuff was so much fun, and i had no idea there oh so many places to mess around in. I'm not including the links because this is not a wish list. It's only a mental postcard bag. Cuteness for the new year, right?

I love this diaper bag, although i'm not sure it includes the changing extra space. I think it's cool and 'father friendly'. I wouldn't picture Pablo carrying a pinky bag.

Fun giraffe. I plan to go strongly on the animal front when Liam arrives. I love beasts.

Hey, if it's good enough for Liv Tyler's Milo, it's certainly all right for our baby. Seriously, i loved this store. Perhaps a good business idea in Spain.

I'm making a cow toy, inspired in some dollies i've seen that look a lot like these. My cow will only have two legs and will be made of fur, but the original idea was crochet. I need some knitting lessons first.

The best thing of being a kid in the rain is puddles. I'm just mentally preparing for the mud battles.

They call this an 'Ugly doll' at the store. It was love at first sight.
I've been mentally shopping again. Good thing i'm into blue anyway. I wasn't aware that surfing for baby stuff was so much fun, and i had no idea there oh so many places to mess around in. I'm not including the links because this is not a wish list. It's only a mental postcard bag. Cuteness for the new year, right?